Saturday, July 16, 2011

Loved Him

Mark 10:21 "Then Jesus looking at him, loved him, and said to him, 'One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross and follow Me.'"

This young man was so close but yet so far. He came sincerely to Jesus seeking eternal life but was confused on how to obtain it. He had been faithful, in comparison to others, in keeping the law but this was not the way unto salvation. Jesus looked at the young man with eyes of compassion and with a heart of purest love knowing exactly what was keeping him from eternal life. He had made idols of his riches and thus measured himself by his possessions rather than by a Holy God. Jesus understood this idol had to be removed before true worship could be made and true life obtained. Thus, out of a heart of love Jesus addressed this man's need and what needed to be done so he could obtain the eternal life he was seeking. The idol must be destroyed, all had be given away, and then he must selflessly follow Christ. The words were hard but they were true and flowed from the love of the Lord. Sadly, the young man was not willing to give up his idol of riches for true eternal life. He would rather glory in temporal pleasure than in eternal delight. He walked away sorrowful but in love Jesus did not follow him. Jesus had given him riches greater than any he owned: the riches of truth and love. Sadly, he rejected truth wrapped in love and thus eternal life.

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