Monday, February 17, 2014

The Joy of Simplicity

Over the last few months the Lord has placed one word on my heart and mind over and over and that word is “simplicity.” As I grow older and hopefully wiser, it as become so clear to me that it is the simple things that really matter and it is the simple things that bring us the greatest joy. As I review my life I ask myself, “How many times have I robbed myself of the simple pleasures of life by making things so difficult?” And “How many times have I robbed myself of the simple joy of my salvation by taking myself so serious?” Our Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect example of simplicity. Although, He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, He came to this earth as a simple man and preached a simple message. Never did He allow Himself to get tangled up in the complexities of the confusing religious practices and debates of the day, but instead He simply taught the importance of the love of God. He explained to Nicodemus, a teacher and ruler of the Jews, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” How simple is that? When asked about the greatest commandment He simply responded, “Love God. Love People.” Again, how simple is that? Jesus Christ did not come to complicate our lives, but to set us free from the confusing man-made rules that stroke our pride and yet only complicate and frustrate our lives. The simplicity of the fact that Jesus loves me and calls me to love others is why His message has so resonated throughout the years changing lives, changing families, and changing nations. Simplicity is another example and blessing of God's unending grace.   I encourage each of us to keep things simple this year: love God and love people. Also, quit taking yourself so serious and quit being so pious.  Remember, it is by the righteousness of Christ we are saved and not of our own.  I assure you that not only will you make a greater difference in the lives of others, but you will find life much less complicated and thus discover the joy that Christ has for you.


  1. Bro. John - you are still impacting the life of those you have served in the past! Thank you for these simple words! Love <3
