Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blessing My Grandchildren

Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children…

The greatest inheritance I can give my grandchildren is parents who love Christ and walk in His ways.  I may never have the opportunity to lavish my grandchildren with the riches of the world, but I can give them the riches of Christ.  This process of bestowing spiritual riches to them begins long before they are ever born.  I bless my grandchildren before they enter this world by pouring my life and the love of Christ into my own children, their future parents.  When I invest spiritual truths into the lives of my children, then I am also investing into my grandchildren.  And, oh, how the investment will provide sweet dividends in the future.  My investments today will provide my children and their children with opportunities of an eternal mansion in heaven on a street of gold which leads to the throne of a loving and merciful God.  I am a rich man indeed and I can share my riches with my grandchildren, but I must begin now.


  1. Dad, I'll be honest. I saw the title to this post on Facebook and had a moment of panic. What had I missed?

  2. I suppose I am just a granddad in waiting; but only in due season.
