Saturday, July 30, 2011

Faith in the Storm

Psalm 88:13-14
 But to You I have cried out, O Lord,
And in the morning my prayer comes before You.
14 Lord, why do You cast off my soul?
Why do You hide Your face from me?


There will be times in the life of every believer when God appears to have deserted him/her. These are times of darkness and despair. Our prayers seem to fall limply from our lips never reaching their desired destination while never being heard. The circumstances which engulf us keep us from feeling God’s embrace, seeing His majesty, or hearing His voice. Our flesh cries out, “God are You even out there?” and “If You are, do You really care?”

These are the times when our faith is severely tested and proven to be real or counterfeit. True faith needs nothing to support it other than a heart felt belief that God is who He says He is and can do what He says He will do even when the circumstances of life shout otherwise. These are the times when we grab hold of God and say, “Although I can’t see You, or hear You, or even feel You, I am not letting go.” 

Our faith is purest when everything is stripped away and we have nothing to hold onto but God. As the storm passes, and it will, we then begin to see that He was present all the time sheltering us. He had been there all the time. Faith is believing He will never forsake you or leave you regardless what the circumstances might seem.  Remember, "faith is the substance of things hopes for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1).

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