Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. ESV
In an proclamation of praise the psalmist gives us the key to a life of daily joy. He reminded us of the simple truth that “every day is a gift from God” and therefore we should live each day in knowledge and the attitude that “I am a blessed man.” He emphasized “this” or “today” is the day that the Lord hath made: not yesterday nor tomorrow, but “today”. Yesterday is past and cannot be reclaimed and tomorrow may never come.
Therefore, we should live our lives one day at a time enjoying it as a precious gift from our Lord. Sadly, I believe that many forget this simple truth and thereby living presumptuously that every day is a given and wasting the precious moments that have we have been graced. Not only do we rob ourselves of each day's blessing, but we rob God of the praise He is due.
Another simple truth in close relationship is that “Life itself is a gift from God and should be handled as such.” I must admit that I have not been a good steward of this truth at many times in my adult life. I have at times become so caught up in “doing life” that I have robbed myself of “celebrating life.” I have been so busy in the management of life, the ministry of life, and the work of life that I have forgotten to enjoy life.
At times I have forgotten to enjoy the very basic realization that every day is God's new gift of life. Every breath I take, every butterfly I see, every melody I hear, every morsel I taste, every person I encounter, and even every challenge I face is a part of life and that life is a gift from God and is to be enjoyed. The very idea that God should grace me with anything should result in my praise and gratitude. Yet, there have been too many times that I have simply trudged through day after day thinking to myself “this is vanity.” Wow, I sound like the preacher of Ecclesiastes. God forgive me.
Oh, what a wasted life that does not receive and live each day with merriment understanding that day as God's precious gift. Oh, how God must be insulted and grieved when we trudge through life complaining about the monotony and the troubles rather than rejoicing and celebrating each precious moment.
What about you? Do you live each day as a gift of God or do you trudge through each day in monotony and complaint? Let us each be reminded of the proclamation of the psalmist, “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Let us understand and live each day as a precious gift from God. Let us celebrate life!